lørdag 11. oktober 2008


I've fallen completely in love with these shoes from Design Forum. I think they are perfect for every christmas/winterparty that I'm planning to attend. The heel is comfortably high, the anklestrap is really sweet and just the shape of the shoe, I like it! They cost 1000kr, but I think they'll be worth it.

Only problem is: Red or black?

(Sorry about the quality, taken with my mobile phone)

+ Goes with _everything_
+ Classic
- I have black shoes, a bit boring

+ Stands out more
+ Adds a little bit extra to for example a black dress or a black pant
+ I don't have any red shoes
+ Perfect for christmas/winter
- Doesn't go with my purple coat

So the red ones get the most "+" from me, do you have any other things I should take into consideration? What do you think? Red or black?

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Do you have a pair of hot, red shoes already? If not, then red! Red, red, red!