torsdag 18. september 2008


Clothes and sneakers wasn't the only thing I bought in Barcelona. We visited MACBA, the gallery for modern art, and they had an amazing book- and gift shop. I bought two Christmas presents (won't tell you though, Maria is always sneaking around here :) and two things for myself:

Birds of a feather by Helene Ige, that I've just put together and hung in my roof.

Magnetic poetry's "Movie Lines" box. Small magnets with words from movies that you can put together as you like. Fun!

I'll try to post the clothes and shoes on sunday, and I've also got a movie to edit and some new makeup and skincare products to test! Stay tuned...

2 kommentarer:

Morbeline sa...

Har alltid tenkt på å kjøpe slike magnet-ord som man kan sette sammen til dikt når jeg flytter hjemmefra. Men de der virket egentlig mer artig. Kan sikkert bli noen helsprø setninger etterhvert.

Kamilla sa...

Man før kjøpt de i alle mulige slags temaer! Utrolig morsomt å ha på kjøleskapet, skikkelig festaktivitet, hehe.