fredag 29. august 2008


A couple of things to celebrate today:

- I've been blogging for over one month, an accomplishment that I haven't quit yet :)
- I've got a new job! Now I work in a bakery as well as in the record store. No more oh-so-boring days of just being at home, thank god...
- It's friday! Woohoo, and I've got the day of tomorrow, sweet. Going to meet Maria in Sandvika to do some window shopping (at least for my part) and watch my boyfriends jazz trio play their gig there.

Only thing is that my new job is trying to kill my feel, ankles and legs... I'm in need of new and good shoes. And what a reason to buy new shoes! Of course I would like to spend my money on ankle boots, oxfords and heels... but I guess I'll have to buy my first pair of comfortable sneakers. I'll try and find something fancy though. Does anyone know any cool but comfortable sneakers? It's not my field, to put it that way.

I have seen Bettys new kicks, and they just rock! Check out her new self designed Nike Dunks and her blog even if you don't care about sneakers, cause she's got an amazing style.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Oh, yeah, the window-part of window shopping will be all you, love;)

Kamilla sa...

hah, I knew it :P I'll just stand outside waiting and admiring the windows while you shop then...

Morbeline sa...

Etter daglig trasking på apoteket i sommer fant jeg bare èn løsning, verdens styggeste sko, ja like stygge som helsesko, men som var også herlige. Hva tror du?

Ja nettopp, CROCS.